School Principal Message

I do believe that where we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it’s an opportunity to build on your faith ,inner strength and courage . I’ve learned that how we fail challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them. ” Sasha Azevedo”. In these fast changing times; we all encounter a fresh challenge every day! The crux of handing them is an art. Only a person with positive attitude can tackle it with aplomb. Even if the desired aim is not achieved; one must gather. rise and prepare oneself for a better tomorrow. I whole heartily wish all the students, staff, worthy parent’s good luck and all success to achieve goals par excellence and bring laurels and glory to the Vidyalaya and Country.

Kendriya Vidyalaya is not just a school but a training ground for life. Students here learn the foremost values of Love, Honesty, Truthfulness, and Universal Brotherhood. Students of different Caste, Colour & Creed receive education under one roof, study common curriculum, take common pledge, wear common uniform. It is said that the actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. Dear children , your habit, your character is, what you act. Only handsome actions and noble deeds will make you handsome in the real sense. Today there is extreme deterioration of values in our society. It is simply because the roots of dishonesty and disloyalty, immorality and irresponsibility have gone deep in our body, mind and soul. Get rid of these evils; Adopt good human values and develop personality traits. Set your target & strive hard to achieve them. Be optimistic; there is no substitute for hard work. Only hard work, perseverance, strong will power and firm determination will make you fit to face the test of the time.